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Counselling for Addiction and Recovery

An addiction is defined as a habit that has become out of control, to the extent that the individual is dependent on it for coping with everyday life. This typically will have negative effects on the person’s emotional well-being and physical health, while also affecting those around them.

In many cases, people with addictions are not aware of the problem, nor are they aware of the impact it is having on their lives or on the lives of those around them. If the addiction has come from a trauma - perhaps a past event, an accident or a mental health issue - they may be unable to break out of the addiction on their own, and more support will be needed.

This is often why counselling for addiction also involves a focus on anxiety, depression, and trauma as factors that have perhaps led to the initial addiction or have taken form during addiction.

What does addiction say about me?

What are the causes of addiction?

How can counselling


Addiction and me

What does




say about me?

Often individuals in addiction or recovery experience great amounts of shame, and the weight of blame can feel overwhelming.

It is okay to experience some regret, but it is also important to 

recognise the circumstances that caused you to want to escape into the behaviour that became an addiction in the first place.


It is also important to recognise the reality that any person is susceptible to falling into the trap of addiction.

For many, it is not as easy as just stopping the habit. Addiction recovery takes time, patience and a lot of support from loved ones. Struggling to break from an addiction is not a sign of weakness, it is brave of you to try.

Causes addiction

What are the


causes of



Addictions can develop from many different activities, some of which may not be seen as a problem to begin with. Alcohol, food, gambling, sex, and even social media can all turn from what might be considered common activities and behaviours into much more destructive compulsions. 

Addictions may be formed from the way these activities and habits make people feel, both emotionally and physically. They can be pleasurable - a form of escapism for someone who perhaps is going through a difficult time. But this moment of pleasure can trigger a powerful need to continue the habit or activity, over and over, in order to feel that way again.

The difficulties that people experience which cause them to search for an escape will vary. However, it is this overwhelming need to escape, and the discovered successful outlet of escape, that can lead people into addiction.

Counselling addiction

How can





The first step in seeking help for addiction is usually to speak to someone about how you are feeling. It may not always feel comfortable to share these things with friends or family at first.

By sharing with a counsellor in a safe, non-judgemental space, you can begin the process of understanding what may have caused the addiction and learning how to not only overcome it but manage your feelings for the future.

Recovering from addiction can be a long and difficult process, and often those in recovery report a need to rediscover themselves having lost months or years to their addiction.

A trained counsellor can help you navigate this self-discovery, and can hold some of the intense feelings that come with that so that you don't have to do it alone.





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